The MegaVac Thrombectomy System is a single-use intravascular mechanical thrombectomy and aspiration system including a ThromboWire containing an embolectomy element. The MegaVac Catheter’s SafeSealTM technology utilizes a distal silicone coated nitinol braid that expands to temporarily occlude antegrade blood flow. The catheter body has inner and outer coaxial shafts that expand the braid, temporarily occluding the vessel and allowing for aspiration. The proximal handle assembly actuates the SafeSeal funnel. The ThromboWire consists of a nitinol embolectomy element that when expanded by the proximal actuation handle, can serve to pull matter towards the MegaVac catheter.
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  • B251TWA1 ()

  • Thrombectomy wire-net
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